The Fungus

A ‘Think Tank’ blog that promotes the spreading of Peace, Love, Creativity, Awareness, Knowledge, Wisdom, Happiness and Purpose

The Infinite End

Posted by thefungus on December 3, 2007


If one pursues anything within the realm of Evil as an end in and of itself they will be damned in the emptiness of infinity; however, if one uses the Evil and its devices as a means to the greater end they will be rewarded with the fulfillment of infinity.
Evil falsely tries to position itself as the end. It is an artificial end of depraved hopelessness. The true and ultimate end is provided by Nature. It is the experience of the oneness, the alignment with the infinite, the inherent Goodness. If anything within the sphere of Evil is pursued as an end in and of itself one is doomed to suffer constrained within it. However, if one uses Evil as a means to the ultimate end they would transcend it and be free.

The ultimate end is the alignment with Nature. Nature being everything that is nothing and nothing that is everything, the beginning and the end, the infinite upon infinity. We are born out of this infinity, live our conscious experience within it, and then return back to it from which we began. It is through our consciousness that Nature attains self-awareness; validating its existence as it recognizes itself as the creator. Our lives are the process of Nature realigning itself with itself through our consciousness.

This consciousness has evolved from an instant, when before there was infinitely nothing and after infinitely everything. We never are separated from it during our conscious lives despite the illusion of a seemingly finite existence. We are deceived through our senses into believing we exist in a material world of limited possibilities when in fact there is nothing that can constrain us or our potential. We are always apart of infinity and are capable of transcending to it at any moment. Nature gives us this gift of infinite consciousness without asking for anything in return.

It is in the realm of this perceived finite reality where Evil and power are constructed. Evil pales in comparison to the awe-inspiring greatness of the infinite Nature. It is aware of this and consequently wants meaningless power because it has none. Unlike Nature, its existence is dependant on you and your recognition of it. The illusion of materialism is the root temptation of our experience, the result of which is the belief in attainability. What is attainable within this ‘finite’ material world is inherently infinite in an unfulfilling way.

Infinity within the context of the material world is endless because one could always have more, whether it power, wealth or anything else for that matter. The accumulation or attainment of it, whatever it may be, becomes the end in and of itself. One can pursue their unassailable desire and never be satisfied because it can’t by its very nature ever be fulfilled. Nature on the other hand does have an end, that being infinity. Once one has arrived there they are at one, realigned with nature, content and at peace because there is nothing more to be attained.

Take an addict as an extreme example of someone who is pursuing Evil as the end in and of itself. The addict is doomed to forever pursue their next fix. The addiction by its nature is never satisfied. Their mind, body and soul are consumed by how they can achieve their next ill-fated end. Their fleeting false-sense of satisfaction will remain until they come down from their high and need to fulfill their renewed desire. The addict will remain hopelessly trapped in the infinite emptiness of their destructive cycle so long as they remain slaves to their addiction.

A Tibetan Monk on the extreme opposite of the spectrum pursues Nature or the Goodness as the end. Everything in their existence is directly related to this ultimate end of happiness and understanding. They pray, socialize, eat and breathe with this purpose in mind. In this way everything and every moment they experience empowers their existence and brings them closer to oneness and enlightenment. They may never sustain or even reach the idealistic state of pure infinite bliss; however, it is the process of their lives and consciousness that becomes the means and the end in and of it self. They transcend beyond the realm of Evil because it has absolutely nothing to offer them. They are content with infinity and it is in this way that they become absolutely free of everything.

It is clear that on the level of human society the collective of the Machine operates for the purpose of power. Since power is its end, everything becomes its means to satisfy this end. It will kill, pollute, cheat, lie, conceal, disease, intimidate, and ultimately destroy itself in the pursuit of this end. Since power is infinitely endless in the realm of Evil, the Machine and we through association are doomed to suffer its certain fate if it is left to continue.

It is then the responsibility inherited with this gift of infinite consciousness to pursue the Goodness. By using Evil and its devices as a means to Nature’s ultimate end the Machine and the realm of Evil will be become obsolete. When humanity transcends and Nature has realigned its consciousness with itself, Evil can no longer exist. We will be infinitely content with our oneness and there would be nothing left to desire. This is the nature of our existence and as such there is always choice. If in the end we all end up in the same place, aligned with Nature in infinite harmonious bliss, then surely we can spend our conscious lives enjoying the vanities of the material world oblivious to the gift of our awareness. There is no right or wrong, only consequences.


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